About Us
No matter what it is you need insured – from your business to your home and anything in between – we can help.
Urban Insurance Brokers specialises in offering a wide range of short term insurance, from commercial assets and car insurance through to specialist insurance such as liability insurance and contract works cover.
Our company was formed in 2011 when a group of five independent short term insurance brokers, some who have been in operation for over 20 years, decided to join forces. With the combined networks of five businesses now at our fingertips, we were immediately more affordable thanks to increased economies of scale.
Our expanded network also meant we could create a broader base from which to attain better business. Over the years, we’ve seen exponential growth through this greater market access, in addition to several acquisitions.
Today, Urban Insurance Brokers consists of five operational directors: Jono Soames, Andre Coetzee, Stuart Riley, George Pienaar and Eddie Scott. Together with three account executives, we manage our two Gauteng branches in Pretoria and Randburg.
Why should you choose Urban Insurance Brokers?
- We offer any kind of short term insurance you may need. As our client, you’ll get access to more than 30 different underwriters for any insurance needs you have.
- We offer exceptional value. We offer you the right cover at the right price.
- We’re a capable team. Because every one of our staff members has an insurance background, we truly understand the industry and what you’re looking for as a customer.
- We know you’re an individual. We know that no two clients are alike, which is why our short term insurance products are uniquely structured to meet your specific needs.
- We’re experienced. Our directors are all previous business owners, which means we bring a wealth of industry experience directly to your doorstep. We draw on our previously established relationships to find exactly what you need, putting our team to work for you.